
Timber Treatment

Woodworm timber solutions are a must for most older properties in London older buildings are often constructed using a large amount of timber up to 75 of the entire structure it pays, therefore, to look after it and safeguard against any seriously harmful wood decayers and destroyers the three main culprits are dry rot wet rot and woodworm and each can cause varying degrees of damage. The damp experts on our team are professional experts who can tackle any kind of lumber or wood treatment.

Woodworm Treatment Solutions London

London Damp Specialist use market-approved solutions and our methods of dealing with wood rot are highly effective. All our work will be carried out professionally and quickly, and with minimum disruption and maximum effect. We leave you with a home free from rot and with long-term peace of mind: we offer a 30-year watertight guarantee. Call us today on 020 8528 3864 if you have any rot-related worries or want woodworm treatment.

Woodworm Treatment

Woodworm is a collective term for several species of wood-boring insects whose larvae infest timber. Eggs are laid on the surface of timber which, when they hatch, burrow into the wood and live off the timber for many years.

It is a cyclical process which needs to be broken and completely eradicated as any number of wood-boring insects can pose a big threat to a wooden structure. If just the insects are killed in an incomplete woodworm treatment, then their eggs will hatch and the problem will continue. You must choose professionals with experience in providing effective and complete woodworm treatment.

How do I know if I need woodworm treatment?

If you’ve noticed tiny bore holes in the floorboards as well as woodwork, along with dusty residue or crumbling joinery edges, woodworms may be at work. We can provide efficient woodworm prevention for any property, old or new. One of our expert surveyors can inspect your timber and recommend the perfect woodworm treatment to protect your home or commercial property.

Dry Rot

Dry rot is of the most destructive conditions that can affect a property. It spreads fast, which will likely devastate wood from underfloor battens to roof joists, potentially compromising the structural integrity of the property.

What causes dry rot?

Dry rot is caused by too much moisture in wood, perhaps from leaking pipes, wet window sills from condensation, rain water penetration or water ingress; any constant exposure to water. Dry rot is a fungus and spreads quickly and rapidly, literally devouring timber which is its food source. Without a doubt, it is one of the most worrying hazards of property ownership and vital to have remedied without delay.

How do I know if I have dry rot?

Wood turning dry brown and discoloured brittle shrunk darkened and cracked can be one indication. It can also be identified by silky grey skin hyphae or strands of yellow or lilac which can be peeled off. In other cases, you might see white fluffy cotton wool-like mycelium fruiting bodies, with soft and fleshy surfaces and spores. The wood may also emanate a pungent damp odour if it is actually dry rot. Now if you are aware of any of these in your property, call LDS today on 020 8528 3864 and we can identify the real problem before putting your mind at ease with our maximum effect dry rot treatment.

Wet Rot

Wet rot is the more common of wet and dry rot in buildings and is a collective term for several types of white rots and brown rots, all of which survive and thrive in very high moisture areas. They grow extremely close to the water source which usually occurs as a result of defects with the original build, rising damp or penetrating damp.

Often found under floorboards, wet rot presents itself by way of a damp and musty smell, floorboards with a spongy, springy feel and swollen and misshapen structural timbers. While less destructive than dry rot, wet rot absolutely needs to be stopped in its tracks before permeating a large section of your property.

Timber & Wood Treatment

London Damp Specialists are experts at identifying, treating and permanently eliminating all sources of wood rot, including performing woodworm treatment. Following our thorough survey, and depending on the diagnosis, we may recommend such treatment as:

  • Remove and discard any damaged timber
  • Treat remaining and new timber with a dry rot resistant solution and borate wood preservative
  • Stop root of moisture ingress and prevent a recurrence
  • Apply timber preservative to all affected surfaces to stop woodworm larvae from hatching and re-infesting timbers

Request a Callback

For an in-depth survey of your property or simply to talk to one of our damp proofing specialists in London or South East England.